World Water Day is held on 22 March every year since 1993 which focuses on the importance of freshwater. About 2.2 billion people are living without access to safe water, while the global sources of freshwaters are reducing at a rapid rate. With glacier shrinking, rivers drying and global climate change , it’s a nature’s alarm to take action before it’s too late. With these thoughts few words slipped out of my pen.
Base of life;
Or mere a molecule,
Universal solvent are you,
Water in the rivers, water in the bottles;
So precious are you!!

Into the clouds, through the rain,
You shower on mother earth;
You reach the rivers and finally seas,
Quench thirst and remove dearth.

In the icebergs and glaciers,
You are frozen sinces ages;
Regulating life cycles since prehistoric times,
Your mention is in pages.

Life giver you are,
We are primarily composed of you;
You run through emotional eyes,
And the hard worked muscles too.

Human beings with selfish needs,
Continue to exploit you;
Deforestation and climate change has, compelled to form drylands;
And he keeps blaming you.

Artificial greens, artificial meat,
Artificial intelligence and artificial we,lives artificial too ;
We have found substitute for almost everything,
But can we find substitute for you.

It’s time to take action,
To conserve, and value you;
Or witness our Planet die,
Long before our generations do!!

Thank you!!!
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