Its been hardly one week that the woodlots near Landour, Mussoorie caught fire again. Few days back, forests near Mussoorie, Jabarkhet Nature Reserve caught fire, now this hillside of Landour. Whether it’s a plight of nature or a man-made nuisance, these old forests are burning.

Today was just like any other afternoon for me except I could sense Pine resin burning at a distance. I was wondering, who would lit bukhari in the warm April month in Landour. Confused, I thought might be the light hail and rain shower must have impelled someone to enjoy season’s last Bhukahri. Although, I couldn’t keep myself away from the intriguing thought of forest fire nearby. No sooner I was involved in these thoughts, my mobile phone was flooded with the news of forest fire near a residential school campus in Landour, Mussoorie. My fear came alive.

Few days back, I mentioned in my post on forest fire in Uttarakhand, that the forests near Landour, Mussoorie are prone to forest fires and immediate measures must be adopted for protecting these old forest from the plight of forest fires. I believe, if proper measures are not taken at the moment it will be too late to protect the forest from further destruction. Please read the post on Passive degradation of Himalayan ecology

Although it hailed with shower towards evening and with the efforts of the local people and fire control agency the spread of the fire was controlled. But, the situation is grim in the hillside of Landour and Uttarakhand. For how long, these forests will stand insecurity, wrath of cruelity caused by mankind and the inefficience of forest protection agencies?
Thank you!!!
Picture courtesy
*Pictures from facebook page of Jabarkhet Nature Reserve, Uttarakhand
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