Yellow Coster (Acraea issoria) is a small radiant butterfly with ochre yellowish coloured wings belonging to Nymphalidae family. It has elongated forewings which are slightly translucent and curvy hind-wings. A. issoria is found in India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Sumatra and Java. Usually this species of butterfly inhabits mountain valleys at elevation of about 500 to 1000 m but they are also found in Landour, Mussoorie which lies at an elevation of around 2500 msl. During my field visit I found large scale swarming of Yellow coster butterfly in Landour, Mussoorie. The microclimatic condition of Landour has changed drastically within past few years with elevated temperature and rainfall pattern. The Yellow coster butterfly is found mainly along foothills. But high pollution levels and ecological disturbance of their habitat in Dehradun valley might have compelled these creatures to migrate to lesser Himalayas.

Yellow Coster butterflies have a tendency to keep their wings upright while feeding on nectar from diverse flowering species. Otherwise, they like basking under the sun near bushes, thickets and woodlots. The butterfly prefers roosting in areas where its larval host plants belong to Boehmeria sp., Debregasia sp., Elatostema sp. Lantana camara, Eupatorium odoratum, Pouzolzias sp. are good food sources for many butterfly species. In Landour, Mussoorie, this butterfly species can be seen mostly along the south west aspect due to better sunlight and temperature conditions.
Butterfly life cycle has four stages i.e. egg, larva, pupa and adult. They have to undergo complete metamorphosis to attain full vigour.

Yellow coster’s life is surrounded with many dangers during their entire life cycle due to predation. One of the common predator of Yellow coster is spider. They often use entrapment by weaving web to trap butterflies who get struck in their sticky net and slowly succumb to death. During field observation I found the chrysalis as well as adult butterfly entangled in spider web in wired fencing. Despite having green cover, the larva of Yellow coster chose wired fencing to metamorphose. Eventually, spiders must have discovered them and wove spider nets around them and ultimately causing death of butterflies. I tried to capture the spider through lens but unable to identify the species. There are many reports on spider predation on butterfly.





Butterflies act as ecological indicators of a healthy environment. Besides they help in pollination of native ground flora thereby facilitating ecological balance. The melodramatic hues, colours, patterns and unique design of butterflies has always inspired artistic minds, poets and writers. These miraculous creatures of mother nature add not only to the aesthetic value to the ecosystem but also has morally uplifted many human souls.
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