Even though late, it snowed in Landour, Mussoorie yesterday, this year. Watching snowfall is an enchanting experience. Like little fairies hopping from branches and leaves finally falling on the ground to create fluffy bed, soft and delicate. I wonder how deep is the connection of snow is with forest and trees. Snowfall is very shy and mysterious here in the woods. The scenic beauty enlivened few verses of my inspirational poet since childhood, Robert Frost and his poem ‘ Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’. Words reiterated and crossed my mind and here I am, penning them down…

Little flakes of snow falling silently on the ground;
Painting the landscape white, without making any sound.
On the Oak trees, Deodar, Spruce and Pine;
Hopping from the branches, kissing leaves, Divine.
Soft, delicate and mystical are you thee;
And you decide where you want to flee.

I saw a foot trail, but couldn’t find the clue;
You must have covered them all the night through.
Blessings from the heaven or little fairies are you;
Falling from the sky, creating whitish hue.

White, the colour of purity and peace;
Next winter snowfall, visit me again please!!!

Climate change is taking toll in the Himalayas with delayed snowfall affecting ecological changes. I hope with the snowfall, the water table in this little hillside of Landour, Mussoorie will get recharged. The trees and forests will get ample water, the Rhododendrons will thrive and the honey bees coming from far off lands will have ample nectar and will not return empty handed.
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
By Robert Frost
Thank you!!
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